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Mannasse & Schiller Block 139

MANNASSE & SCHILLER BLOCK 139.tif MA.HASSEi & SCHILLER'S ' ' BLOCK 139 Lot 11 & Wly 2' of 12- Permit to Jesus & Rupert Leyba to repair fire damage to duplex with an exist l' sideyd & to a sin fam res with no sidey-4, 34" betw dwellings & witn exist 2'3" access court to st., 1746-48 Bational Ave. Res. 2624 11-5-47 Lot 36- Permit DENIED to Mrs. Laura H. Reed to conv exist bldg to res with no sideyd and 30" betw liv qtrs at 1749 Logan Ave., Res. 4423 2-8-50 Lot 36- Permit DERIED to Laura H. Reed to add 1 apt to exist duplex, 3' access court to 3rd unit on Bly side & l' exist sideyd on Sly side, 1749 Logan. Res. 4655 5-3-50 Lot 36- Permit to Mrs. Laura Reed to add 12' x 14' screened porch addn to res with no sideyd. Res. 5754 8-8-51