Mannasse & Schiller Addn. Block 186 Card 2
MANNASSE & SCHILLER ADDN. BLOCK 186 CARD 2.tif MANNASSE & SCHILLER'S ADDITION BLOCK 186 t Lots 25-28- Permit to Mrs. Maria De Castro to (1) construct a single family dwellin? on lot with three existing sin fam dwellings; dwelling to observe a 7 front yard on Julian Avenue, garage to observe a 13'-6" front yard and one parking space to observe a 7' front yard where 15' is required; and (2) provide 287 sq. ft, of landscaping where a maximum 615 sq. ft. is required, at 710 Beardsley_,),treet between Julian Avenue and Kearny Avenue, Zone R-4- Cond'l. ~, C-12,739 7-30-74------------------------------------------------------------------------~