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Development Services

M. Santee's Subd. Block 2

M. SANTEE'S SUBD. BLOCK 2.tif J. M. SANTEE 1S SUBD. BLOCK,:J, E Lots 21-24 & street closing- Permit to Henry & Mary Rieger to constr an extension to exist dining-room & bedrm addn of exist sin fam dwell obs a 3' front yd on 31st st. where 15' is req at 3092 Cedar St NW cor Cedar St & 31st St., Zone R-2. c-10134 10-7-70 Lot 19- Permit to Charles H. Fischer to s. const a sfd obs: (I} a 9' front yard; (2) 3' interior side yards; (3) garage to be 19' deep; (4) landscaping to be installed in all:,J of 9' front yard except for walkway and driveway and all of 111.ll public right-of-way in accordance with Streets/Tree Division requirements; (5) &Hia building to be 34' high. ~~4_i~~ ~~:7n~Street.__ zone_R-2_ (H.R.).__ conditions.__ C-15156._7-19-78.