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Lynda Heights #1 Card 2

LYNDA HEIGHTS #1 CARD 2.tif LYNDA HEIGHTS #1, CARD #2 I? Lot 55- Permit to William Latney to erect 50' of a 5' ni ret wall in tne 12' estab SB wnere a max nt of 3' is perm at 1825 Linbrook Dr betw Linbrook Pl and Courtney Dr. Zone R-1-5. Cond '1. C-9277 N.H. 4-29-69 Lot 128- Permit to Roger and Lue Morgan to maint a 23' x 5'6" sunsnade structure att to exist sin fam dwell, sunsnade structure to obs 9'6" SB wnere 12' is req at 1961 Cardigan Way betw Crandall Dr and Tait St., Zone R-l-5. C-9679 N.H. 1-13-70 Lot 1- Permit to H. & Anna Ramirez to erect approx 65 1 of solid wood fence 5' ni obs 0' SB on Volta Court wnere a max 3' hi fence is perm in a 12' estab SB at 1754 Linbrook Dr. betw Volta Court and Linbrook Pl. Zone R-1-5. C-1116o N.H. 4-3-72 Lot 46- Permit DENIED to Erling A. Danl to maintain approx 37' of 8 1 6" ni adobe wall obs 0' from Nly interior side property line wnere max 6 1 ni fence or wall is permitted in req 4 1 side yard at 7311 Linbrook Pl betw Linbrook Dr and cul=de-sac. Zone R-1-5. C-11344 N.H. 6-23-72 Lot 45- Permit DENIED to Donald L & Mary Minton to erect approx 21' of 8 1 ni adobe wall obs 20' to 0' from rear prop line, where max 6 1 ni fence or wall is perm in 20' req rear yard, at 7301 Linbrook Pl betw Linbrook Dr and cul-de:sac. Zone R-1-5. C-11358 N.H. 7-3-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------