Ludington Heights Card 5
LUDINGTON HEIGHTS CARD 5.tif LUDINGTON HEIGHTS Lot 23- Permit to Avrum & Mary Elizabeth Stroll to const single SB on Valdez Dr where aver SB of block 18' is req (see C-793) on C-7093 Card #5 fam res & garage obs 5' Valdez Dr. Ely end. 5/11/65 Lot 23- Permit to Avrum & Mary Elizabeth Stroll to const sing fam res & gar obs 5 1 front yd where 15' is req (See C-7093 & 793) on Valdez Rd. E1 1y end Zone R-1-5 Cond'l. c-8112 5-9-67 Lot 50- AGREEMENT #930 to Jeannette J. Keller- playrm in basement will never be rented or used for second fam. f-2-57 Lot 53- AGREEMENT #917 to Marie Kinzel to constr 2 story sing fam res on lower floor of res 4-16-57 Lot 49- Z.A. cons app of Juliette & Leonard Watkins to const 2 story si~g fam res obs c all yd req but with det gar obs 4' front yd where 15' front yd is req at 1700 blk Castellani Rd betw Hillside Dr & Crespo St Zone R-1-5 & DENIED the app as req but APPROVED 5' SB in front yd Cond'J. Amended 10-81-68 & 11-27-68 See card #6 C-8842 9-9-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 71- Permit to Paul T. Thoryk to const sing fam dwell obs yd w/15' frnt yd & 10' street side yd is req at the NW cor of R-1-5. Amended 5-28-69 (5-28-69) Amended 1 Q-28-69... c-8972 8 1 frnt yd & 8 1 street side Castellana Rd & Puente Dr. 11-15-68