Ludington Heights Card 4
LUDINGTON HEIGHTS CARD 4.tif LUDINGTON HEIGHTS Card #4 lf Lot 39- Permit to Alfred M & Anna Ney to canst single fam res obs 15' SB to bldg line & 9' SB to roof deck above gar (avg SB blk 35' req) on Crespo Dr. betw Castellana Rd & Mecca Dr. Zone R-1. C-2554 6-11-59 Lot 6- Permit to Dessau & Elizabeth Clarkson to const single fam res & gar; gar to obs 4 1 SB (aver 9') & const 6 1 hi fence on poop line in SB area E side Al Bahr Dr R-1 Zone C-2570 6-12-59 Lot 47- Permit to A.J. J Nellie Free to const sin fam res & gar; res obs 10' rear yd (20' req) & 13 SB (aver of blk req) S side Castellana Rd betw Crespo & Puente Dr (req 6' SB for deck was DENIED but 10' SB for deck APPROVED) C-2637 & 2636 7-10-59 Lot- 12- Permit to Wendell W & Gladys Moyer to constr 4 1/2' to 11' wall In SB area & 5' to 12' wall behind SB line & pool vault, per plans on file in Zon Div 1560 Crespo St. La Jolla, R-1 C-4433 (N.H.) 9-25-61------------------------------------------------------,------------------------------------- Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Dr. & Mrs. Chas H. Graves to const addn to sing fam dwell with balcony obs 13' rear yd where 25' is req at 1642 Valdez Dr. 400' E of Mecca Dr Zone R-1 cond'l. c-6135 12-13-63 Lot 13- Permit to La Jolla Real Estate Co. to maintain & obtain final bldg inspection approval tior exist sing fam res with eaves proj to obs approx 2' eaves to p.1. at one cor. h 3' 9". were mln 1s. perm at 1511 Crespo St. near Kearsarge Rd. Zone R-1 Cond'l. c-6329 3-17-64