Ludington Heights Card 11
LUDINGTON HEIGHTS CARD 11.tif LUDINGTON HEIGHTS,,. CARD. #11 Lot 58- ZA considered request of GERHARD A. KLEIN to construct 1 24' of retaining wall~"} ranging from 31 611 to 6 1 in height, observing a 3' front yd; 2) 24'3" of retaining wall I ranging from 6 1 to 6 1 6 1 in height observing an 8 1 front yard at the closest point; and 3) two 4 1 wide entry gates with a max. height of 9 1 611 observing a 4' front yard where a 3' high wall or fence is the maximum permitted in the reqd 15' front yard at 1819 Crespo St., Zone R-1-8, and has APPROVED #1; APPROVED #2; DENIED #3 as requested, but APPROVED two 4 1 wide 6 1 high entry gates observing a 4 1 front yd; subj to cond. c-18505 7/6/84 Lot 1- AGREEMENT to MAX ORTNER to construct second story bedroom and bath to an existing single-family dwelling with access through house, located at 1424 Al Bahr Drive, Zone Rl-8000. AGREEMENT #3203 12-4-84 Lot 17 & Wly 16.75' of Lot 18- ZA considered request of JACK GUTTMAN to erect a retaining wall ranging in height from 6 1 to 18' in height within rear & interior side yd setback where a max. height of 6 1 is permitted; 30' of 18' hi retaining wall to obs 21611 interior side yd., & 20'6" to observe a 11 rear yd at 1633 Valdes Dr., Zone Rl-8000; had DENIED as request but APPROVED a max. 13' hi retaining wall per revised plans marked exhibit "A" subj to cond.;# C-18769 4/19/85 rm-69 l;>,GREE #3675,RI~ & LINDA STRAUSS build 1-nn, of recreation roan & 1 bathroan ber6"6 ~t:e~ly &.dining roans; addition contains both in:terior/exterior access 3-31-87