Loring Subdivision
LORING SUBDIVISION.tif---_._.,....... ~ SUBDIVISION ~ot l- Permit to Planned Properties, Corp., to erect 4-story, 37-unit apt house, above subterreaean park struct, prov 58 off-st park space at a ratio of 1 park space for each 845 sq ft of gross fl area, where 1 park space is req for each JOO sq ft, of gross fl area; struct to obs 10 1 fr;ydqon Mission Blvd where 15' is req; 4' rear yd where 10' rs;eq; and 4' side yd where 6 1 is req; on Lot 1, Loring-~bd, NE cor Mission Blvd & Loring St, Zone RP-1~: follow decision denied as request, but approved 58 off-st park spacesj aprroved st-ruct to obs 10' SB on l-'.ission Blvd, 15 1 'IB on Loring ~, 10' distance from center line of alley, &6 1 side Yd along east; cond'l. SEE AGREEMENT#l572 3-26-69 CASE 8785 8-12-68 >) Lot 1- Pennit to Dr. James A. Grant to constr 30 unit, 3 story apt bldg obs 10' front yd where 15 ' is req & 10 '7" rear yd w/balconies obs 5 '7" rear yd;where 15 ' is req on Loring St. betw Mission Blvd. & Bayard St., Zone R-4. C-10001 NH 7-15-70