Loma View Block 3
LOMA VIEW BLOCK 3.tif )-., LOMA VIEW BLOCK 3 Lot 6- Permit to J,W, Dyer to build a res on the NW cor of Charles St. & Silvergate Ave. with a SB of 26' on Charles St. Res. 716 9-7-44 Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Victor L, Baldwin to divide into 2 parcels to face on Silvergate Ave. instead of Wilcox St. provided a 10' strip of land is dedicated to tne City for the widening of Silvergate Ave. & a ~o SB maintained from the new street line on Silve:P. gate Ave. Res. 1875 ~..,_ 11-7-46 Lots 4 & 5 (exc Sly 66 1)- Permit to Walter N., Jr. & Ann Lauter Dietzen to erect res with 11' SB on Wilcox St. 784 Silvergate Ave. Lot 7- Permit to Sirverna Anne Boyce Chamberlin to remove of 4 1 hi chain link fence obs 0' SB where a 3' hi fence is Silvergate Ave. & Catalina Blvd., Zone R-1-5, Res. 7018 12-10-52 exist wood fence & erect 50' perm 3610 Charles st. betw C-7855 NH 8-23-66 Lot i & 5- ZA has TABLED this case Var was based on complaint of a fence, fenc~ was brought into compliance so case tabled, at 784 Silvergate Ave, Map ii 1095. C- 19543 8/4/87