Loma Riviera Townhouse Unit #1 Card 1
LOMA RIVIERA TOWNHOUSE UNIT #1 CARD 1.tif-...........-..... ~,.--,--,,,,----_.__,-,,..,...,a,_..... ~--.--'-' LOMA RIVIERA TOWNHOUSE #1 Lot I- Condl permit to Loma Rivier~o. to erect 3 2-story a,:,t house units w/10 I-story accessory portions of structures ob.. 6 1 SB from Venus St. & 6 1' hi masonry wal I extending entire width of lot obs 6 1 SB from us St., & to install & maint parking lot to be used in connec w/condominium apts on par th 13 parking spaces obs 13' distance from curb & 6 1 distance from p.1., Zone R-4 where 15' SB is estab & 20' distance from curb is req, SW side of Venus St., S of Camulos St. c-6324 & 25 3-9-64 Lot l- ABOVE APPEALED by Robt. N. Benson & appeal was DENIED & the decision of the Z.A. was sustained & affirmed & following cond imposed; that all be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. C-6324 & 25 4-20-64 Lot 4- Permit to Deeland Corp., Loma Riviera Co., et al to erect 200 sq ft dble-faced unlit grnd sign, 14' hi, advert "Loma Riviera Townhouse" sales, on vacant par w/200 lineal ft frontage, obs all SB req where aggregate area of signs per is 5/10 sq ft ea Jin ft of st frntg & signs to be attached face of bldg at 4114 W. Pt. Loma Blvd., cor of W. Pt. Loma Blvd. & Loma Riviera Dr., Zone RC- condl Ext to time to 5-10-66 (7-6-65) C-6568 7-2-64 ABOVE- Ext to 11-10-66 (5-16-66) c-6568