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Loma Alta Unit# 1 Block 2a

LOMA ALTA UNIT# 1 BLOCK 2A.tif LOMA iilrA bNrT /fl BLOCK 2A 7 Lot 3- Permit to R.J. Fulleylove, own & Voltaire Motors, lessee to constr a 24' x 96' stranstell model 24 sbop bldg on tne SEly side of San Clemente St., 80' Wly from Voltaire St. with no rear yd & 63i coverage for use in connection with auto sales & service bldg on adjacent lot, prov tbe bldg is not less tban 12' from Sly lot line. Res. 2157 4-10-47 Lot 3- Permit to R.J. Fulleylove, own & Voltaire Motors, lessee to constr 24' x 96 stransteel sbop bldg & an 81 fence on SEly side of San Clemente St., 80 1 Wly from Voltaire witn no sb from San Clemente St. Res. 2158 4-10-47 Lot 3- Permit to R.J. Fulleylove, own & Voltaire Motors, lessee to constr cbain link fence 8 1 ni, along front, side & rear of lot, same location as above. Res. 2159 4-10-47 Lot 3 (Por Lots 1-6, Blk 2, Western Addn)- Pennit to Earl & Leota C. Sbaw to use as parking lot & const sales rm addn to exist store in C Zone (addn in R-4), Voltaire & San Clemente St. Res. 8155 4-28-54