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Development Services

Loma Alta # 2 Block 27 Card 1

LOMA ALTA # 2 BLOCK 27 CARD 1.tif LOW\ ALTA #2 BLOCK 27 Lots 48 & 49- Permit to Ida Rae Haney to make add Clovis St, & alter to cottage, with an 81 rear yd, to'" ex;,, tool shed~-=~ provided lean to on north is removed. Res. 879 3-15-45 Lots 53 & 54 & Por P.L. 212- Permit to Mr. Clarence T. Swartz & Mr. Garland w. Long to const JO unit apt bldg to be served by 7' access court adj to front open air off st- parking area, where 10 1 access is req; & to provide JO off street parking spaces, 5 in front & 5 in rear, 2 of rear spaces to obs approx 2' distance to p.l. & 81 from curb line where 3' & 181 respectively is req, NEly side Temecula St, betw W. Pt. Loma Blvd. & Clovis St., Zone R-4, condl c-6300 & 6301 2-7-64 Lots 48 & 49- AGREEMENT #289 to Harlow B. Pona & Mae E. Pond to const, use auxiliary bldg in conjunction w/a truck garden, for the storage of tools & garden equipment. A-289 5-3-44 Lots 57 & 58- Permit to Clarence T. & Goldie Swartz to const 2 story triplex with 4 1 wide balcony proj into req 15' front yd along W. Pt. Loma Blvd., SE'ly cor W. Pt. Loma Blvd. & Temecula St.,Zone R-4. C-8582 3-21-68 AMENDED 9-4-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------