Lisbon Townsite Block 5
LISBON TOWNSITE BLOCK 5.tif.'!',.....: LISBON TOWlfSITE BLOCK 5 (o Wl34' Lots 1-3 & w of 4 exc S4'- Permit to Benny & Goey s. Yee to erect P.O. & retail market bldg & park area on the SE cor of Lisbon & 69th Sts., condl Res. 8383 7-21-54 E Lot 4- Permit DENIED to John Hudson to oper beauty shop in res, part-time with one 12" x 18" sign on face of bldg at 612 Chester St., R-4. c-666 8-10-56 Wl34' Lots 1-3 & w of Lot 4 exc S4'- Permit to Benny Yee, own to const addn to exist P.O. bldg at SE cor of intersec of Lisbon Ave. & 69th Ste., Zones C & R-4. CUP C-3567,. 10-14-60--------------------------------------------------------------------------1.__:_-,----------- \