Linda Vista #7 Block 4
LINDA VISTA #7 BLOCK 4.tif,... BLOCK 4 Lot 41- Permit to Albert J. & Gladys L. Conley to const 6 1 x 11' addn to kitchen of exist duplex at 3025 Comstock St, betw Cadl.y Ct. & Ulric St., Zone R-1. C-3902 3-3-61 Lot 49- Permit to Russell D. Gowdy to const sin fam res with att gar obs 16 1 rear yd (20' req) on Ulric ct., Ely side, Zone R-1. C-3990 NH 3-29-61 Lot 45- Permit to Russ D. Gowdy to const sin fam res with att gar obs 16 1 rear yd (20' req) west side Ulric Ct betw Comstock & Ulric, Zone R-1. C-4085 NH 5-4-61 Lot 41- Permit to A. J. & Gladys Conley to maintain 4o of concrete block retain wall & erect 50' of retain wall 5' hi obs 01 setback where max 3' hi wall is perm in 15 1 estab setback at 3025 Comstock St betw Cowley & Ulric Courts, Zone R-1-5. C-11309 N.H. 6-8-72 Lot 31- Permit to George Gutierrez to constr guest house above exist garage with bar sink at 2953 Comstock St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1973 7-2-74 ;f_3_:_Agree~-.;;ijiian-viceiicia0e-oi_fo_constiuct-add.ftionor-wo"'l5edfooiis-,-one-furr--- bath w/exterior access at 3028 Ulric St. Zone Rl-5000. AGREE 3619 Zone Rl-5000