Linda Vista #5 Block 32
LINDA VISTA #5 BLOCK 32.tif. ' BLOCK 3~ 17 Lot 1- Permit to s.D. Unified School Distr. to constr a 10' hi chain link fence, a por to be in the SB area at Jewett, Comstock & Fulton Ste., Zone R-2 & R-4. Res. 8995 6-22-55 Lots 7,8 and 26- to Linda Vita Boye Club to operate and mintain an e:xiat boy tlub facility and to constr and operate a crafts room addn, located betw East Jewett St. Zone R-4. 294-PC 6-18-n Lot.2 and a portion of Lot 26, CUP was approved by SP, San Diego Unified School District and the City of San Diego government agencies and Educa- ' tional Enrichment System, Inc. pursuant to Sections 101.0510 and 101.0580 of the Municipal Code on a 1.45 acre site. The project site is located at the 2300 block of East Jewett Street, R-3000 & R-1500 zones C-21504 10-1-97--------------------------------------------------------------------------