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Development Services

Linda Vista #5 Block 26

LINDA VISTA #5 BLOCK 26.tif ' LI.NDA\j1srA #5 BLOCK 26 ~ a oJ;, fl Lot II- Permit to Calvary Southern Baptist Church to const education bldg add. to exist ~Jue., bldg,,the add to obs O SB (10' req), at 2202 Comstock St. Zone R-4. Case#919 12-21-56-------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- Permit DENIED TO Calvary Southern Baptist Church for perm to erect approx 150' of chain link fence, 5' high obs a O' setback on Kelly St, where a max 3' high fence is perm in a req 10' street sideyard, at 2202 Comstock St betw Kelly St. and Gifford Way, in the R-4 Zone. c-10457 N.H. 5-7-71 Lot 2- Pennit APPROVED by ZA, to Brian S. Lovell to construct two 2-story I-unit apartments with garages on Jot with existing duplex; balconies to observe a 12 1 front yard where 15' is required, at 6738 Gifford Way, Zone R-2. Condition. Case 16489 NH 11-16-79