Linda Vista #4 Block 59 Card 1
LINDA VISTA #4 BLOCK 59 CARD 1.tif.-.:;_-,--- tllDA VISTA NO. 4 BLOCK 59 Lots 12,13 ~ AGREEMENT #1~03 to Roy A. & Virginia R. Cook- park lot apts on 13- to be maintained as one parcel, 2039 Coolidge St, R-4 }" 111 on 12 to be used "!or 3/4/64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 7- Permit to City of S.D. to const & opera fire station located SEly of the inter of Linda Vista Rd & Comstock St, Zone R-4, condl C-6213 CUP 1-20-64 Lot 11- Permit to Linda Vista Presbyterian Church to erect approx 200' of 4 1 hi chain link fence obs 41 from Comstock St, where a max 3' hi fence 1s perm in 25' estab SB at 2130 Ulric St., Zone R-4, condl c-6759 10-7-64