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Development Services

Linda Vista #3 Block 92

LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 92.tif."\t'.;":";...;:-.-::; ,-- ' ~. '.- ~ ' " ' LllDA VISTA UNIT #3 BLOCK 9~ Jr, I Lot l Permit to Carl L. & Katherine Albers non-con'orming porch obs 11 1 SB (15' req) at to const enclosed entry way addn to exist 1489 Coolidge St., zone R-1. C-2931 11-13-59 Lot:J..6- Permit to Eugene A. & Sarah Bales to const sin fam res & gar 12 1 311 SB (15' req) at 68ol Elmore St., Zone R-1. C-3323 NH 5-16-60-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 13- Permit DENIED to A.L. Burton St. R-1 APPEALED- DENIED & Helen Mclver to conv sin fam res to duplex at 1432 c-3361 6-8-60 c-3361 7-13-60 Lot 6- AGREEMENT with Guillermo & Gloria Virgen to construct second story addition to single-family dwelling. Second story consists of master bedroom, full bath and family room. Addition has interior access from first floor hallway via stairway, at 1429 Coolidge st.', Rl-5000 zone, AG 4541, 2/5/90. Lot 13- Agreement with JOSEPH A. KWAK to maintain a 22 inch single bar sink in living/family room of a one-story, single-family dwelling with exterior access and interior access from an existing hallway to rear living/family room, located at 1432 Burton Street, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement No. 5076 07 /29/91