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Linda Vista #1 Block 48 Card 1

LINDA VISTA #1 BLOCK 48 CARD 1.tif... tINDA VISTA UNIT#l BLOCK 48,, Card /fl (Lots 10-15 & Par 2B- Permit to Safeway Stores, lessee & So. Ca. cnildren's Aid Fdn to use as parking area in conj with Safeway Store; Linda Vista Rd. betw Ulric & Hyatt Sts., R-2 & R-C, condl c-1893 6-13-58 6 mos ext 12-3-58.,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 9 & 10- Permit DENIED to c.w. Carlstrom own & F.R. Lewis, lessee to const dry cleaning plant; max 4 emp & 10 h.p. on Ely side of Linda Vista Rd betw Ulric & Fulton Sts., Zone RC. c-4570 12-1-61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 10-12- Request WITHDRAWN by Safeway Stores, Inc. to erect 4 free-standing dble-faced, 3' x 4 x 10' hi advert signs where signs must be att to face of bldg. C-7453 10-28-65 N22' of Lot 9 & all of 10- Permit to Fred Rapp (as amended req) to const 1 story commercial bldg obs O' SB where 10' SB is req at 7035 Linda Vista Rd betw Fulton St & Ulric Sts., Zone RC, condl C-9110n 3-14-69 Lots 1-4- Classification of Use to the Post Office Dept for an office at the SWly cor of Linda Vista Rd & Comstock St. Res. 182466 1-5-65