Lexington Park # 31
LEXINGTON PARK # 31.tif, ~LOCK 31 E6o' of Lot 8 & E60' of Lot 9 exc 810'- Permit to Kenneth E. & Gwendolyn M. Strattoll to erect sin fam res= por of 2 res exist on lot 9, 4005 Pepper Dr. Res. 4502 3-8-50 Lo* 15 & 16 &: w36 of Sly 75'of lot 17- Permit DDIED to Hubert K. & Ora Lee Eaton to erect 84 lin feet of 8' bi solid redwood fence at rear & along side lot line at 4020 Sycamore St. Res. 5595 6-13-51 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Cullen L, Anderson to const 10' patio wall, 2421 39th St, Res. 6900 10-15-52-~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------