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Development Services

Lexington Park # 25 Card 1

LEXINGTON PARK # 25 CARD 1.tif IDII: 55- Permit to Mac K. & aertrude o. Tbornton to erect res witb 10' SB on Bly side of $.~op St., S. of Sycamore Dr., condll Res.#8902 5-11-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let 52- Permit to Mac K. & Gertrude G. '!'bornton to erect res witb 7' SB on SWly ide of Snowdrop St., cond'l, Res.#8903 5-11-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 66- Cond'l permit to Frank & Martha Walashek to const a sin fam re obs 12' SB wbere 18 1 req D of Snowdrop St. at end of Sycamore Dr. R-2. casefl857 5-23-58 Lot 66- Permit to Frank & Martba Walasb.ek to const bdrm & bath addn to exist dwelling obs 121 rear yd (15' req) at 4241 Sycamore D:\-. R-2, cond':_ that addn match exist dwell in design & materials.:N.B., Case#4430 9::.25-61 Lot 40 & Bly of 41- Manuel S. & '?heresa Melendez- to maint, & compl, const of carport attcn to side of dwell; carport obs l' sideyd w/1' eave to P,L, (4' sideyd & 3' eave) at 2636 Snow- drop St., zone R-2. TABLED Casefq,983 6-15-62 Lot 16- Permit to Mr. G.A. to const 9 16" high masonry ret wall obs 9.75 SB with 4' to 5' high stairs parallel to wall & compl const of duplex with porch obs 11.5 1 SB where max 3' higb. fence or wall is perm in SB & bldg is req to obs aver of tb.e blk SB of 15.85' at 2567 'l'uberose St,, 300' 8. of Poplar St., R-2 zone cond'l. lasef,6070 10-25-63----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------Lots 42 & lt,3 a S, b.alf of 41- Permit to Margaret & Wm Miller to maint sin fam dwell.iiig frontag1 1:_~~-~':-~':~:_~P---------------------------------------------------- S-71;6___ 4"7_!0-62_________