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Development Services

Lexington Park # 24

LEXINGTON PARK # 24.tif Lot 6 (exc. Ely 4')- Permit to Joseph W., within front SB line, 2460 Sumac Dr.-Martinez to const approx 68 1 of woven wire fence 4t Res.#3788 4-6-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot'6 (exc. Bly 4 1)- Permit to Joseph & Violet Martinez to enlarge liv & dining 1"IIIS & conv gar into bdrm, adding bath & carport; tbe addn to obs 15' SB (25' req) at 2460 Sumac Dr., R-2. Res.#9419 2-15-56 Lots 24-25- and Lot 5, Rancho Mission(Horton's Purch)- Permit to Guy F. Atkinson Co., Edward A. Bodie, Elizabeth c. Bodie, Donald c. Crews, Investment Securities Corp, Ann Scheidel and City of S.D. to dev property east of Interstate 805 betw Shamrock St and Sumac St. Zone R-1-5 and R-2. LC-22 12-18-72 Lots 15-18- Permit to Vincenzo & Catherine Tarantino cancelled- not needed C-13476 NH----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lot 13, AGREEMENT to John Rasmussen & Robert Joyce to install dkrm in proposed 2nd-sty 3rd bedrm addn to exist sin fam res at 2412 Sumac Dr., Zone R-2. AGREE #2260 4/14/77---------------------------------------------------------------------------------