Lexington Park # 14
LEXINGTON PARK # 14.tif BLOCK 14 Lot 18, lo SW 10' Lot 19, Permit to Ralpb H. Weaver to maintain exist res with permis. to const 1 add res. s-518 5-12-58 Lot 19, Exe. SW 10', & sw Lot 20, Permit to James L. & Mary C. Cook to lll8intain exist res with permis. to const 1 add res. S-519 5-14-58, Lot 21 lo BlyLot 20, Permit to Edith G. Rouchleau to maintain exist res with permis. to const 1 add res. B-520 5-14-58 Lots 13-14- Pemit to Wendell H. & Evelyn Westbrook to constr 6-car garage with duplex above on lot with existing duplex; new duplex to obs a 13' rear yard where 1016" betw rear of structure & center line of alley & 8'-6" betw proposed structure & exist bldg where l0'-611 betw bldgs is req in order to provide the required 15' rear yard, & to obs an 8 1 street side yard where 10' is required, at 2721 thru 2731 Snowdrop St. betw Poplar St. and Pepper Dr. Zone c. Cond'l. C-l.2984 N.H. 2-12-75 Lots 13-14- Pemit to constr a duplex above a 6-car garage obs 13' rear yard where 15' is req and 81 street side yard where 10' is required as perm by c-12984. Wendell H. Westbrook. Property located at 2721-2731 Snowdrop St. AG.o.,-,0 4 8 REE v~ 3 2-l-75 i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 & 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Carl & Theresa Silva to construct a 15' X 23' bedroom and patio cover to an existing one-story non-conforming single-family dwelling where dwellings today are permitted only above the ground floor, at 4239 Poplar Street, Zone C Cond it ion. CASE 16544 1-22-80