Lemona Villa Lot 2
LEMONA VILLA LOT 2.tif,,,,~,,,,,,~ LEMO,N. V,I LLA t.OT 2 Por. w Lot 2- Permit to Corrie Hansbrough to const 3 car gar 0 1 SB, Marcellena Rd. l> Res.#4037 7-27-49 Por. w Lot 2- Request of William E. Porter, owner, Auto Liquidators (E.W. Ebeling) to main- tain use in R-4 por. of par for storage of automobiles & auto repair service in exist gar in connec with used auto sales lot in C zone adjoining TABLED. Case#4575 1-30-62 w Lot 2- Permit to Albert Stanton Porter to provide supplemental park in R-,4 por of lot for use of "C" zone on same lot; to provide trash area enclosed by 6 1 hi decorative wall, per plans on file at the NE cor of Marcellena Rd. & El Cajon Blvd., Zone R-4., (Tentative Porter Park, Lot 1), condl ".I L_-;7,;z / C-9846 5-6-70-~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------