Las Alturas Villa Sites Card 4
LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD 4.tif-.-,..,....,,,,,......,....,....... LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD #4 * Ely 50' Lot 63 exc. Nly 150 1- Permit to Ruby F. Jewett to split out lot & erect sin fam res, N side Logan Ave. approx. 550 1 E of Euclid (cond'l) Res.#7517 6-24-53 Wly 88 1 of Ely 2881 of Lot 63 (exc. Nly 100')- Permit DENIED to Harold & Donna Nadell Lutes to div into 2 bldg sites & erect sin fam res on ea, N side Logan Ave., approx. 325' E of Euclid Ave. Res.#7625 8-5-53 Permit to E.C. DeClue to const sin fam res on E 50' of Lot 63, exc Nly 150', on the N side of Logan Ave., and end of st E of Euclid (cond'I) Res.#8067 3-17-54 Por Lot 52- Permit DENIED to Louis & Ethel P. Theaman to move in gar with apt above & conv to sin fam res, on SW cor 58th & Olvera Sts. Res.#8139 4-28-54 Permit to E,C. DeClue to const sin fam res on E 50' of Lot 63, exc. Nly 159', on N side of Logan Ave., & end of st E of Euclid, Zone R-1. (Res.#8067 ABOVE dated 3-17-54 amended to delete the cond.) Res.#8189 5-12-54 Por Lot 52- Appeal of Mrs. Theaman, Res.8139 ABOVE, denied & dee. of B. of Z.A. sust. cc 118766 6-24-54 Por Lot I- Permit to Western Mutual Corp. to const food market in C & C-P zone, on SE cor Churchward & Euclid Ave., cond'l. Res.#8325 6-23-54 IPor Lot 62- Permit to Leonard C. & Edith W. Riley to split out por & const sin fam res, N side I Logan Ave. 425' E of Euclid Ave., cond'l. Res.#8465 9-15-54 I---------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------- 1