Las Alturas #2 Block 3 Card 1
LAS ALTURAS #2 BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif LAS M1?URAS #2 BLOCK 3-~#/ 3 Lot K- Permit to M.L. Nelson to slaughter & sell at retail, chickens raised at 216 s. 55th St., for a period of 5 years, ubj to req of Health Dept. Res. 952 5-24-45 Lot K- Ext to June 30, 1952 on Res. 952 AEOVE to M.L. Nelson Res. 4549 Lot K- Ext to M.L. Nelson ABOVE for l yr Res. 6572 3-22-50 6-25-52 E Lot H- Permit to const & aper model home for one yr & erect two 2' x 4' painted signs back of SB line, S side Imperial Ave. betw 54th & 55th St. Res. 7813 10-14-53 Sly 100' of Lots I & J- Permit to Ernest G'. & Carrie L. Allred to oper radio & 'J!V service & repiar service at 240 S 55th St., oondl Res. 8733 2-2-55 W~st half of Lot L- ~Permit APPROVED by ZA to HERMAN L. RHODES to maintain three un1ts on each lot with access to required parking across a common driveway which straddles the property line between the two Jots, located at 5474/5476 Santa Margarita, Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-18031 5-20-83 West 1/2 and east 1/2 of Lot L- LOT TIE AGREEMENT to HERMAN L. RHODES for maintaining three units on each lot with access to required parking across a common driveway which straddles the property line between the two lots, located at 5474-5476 Santa Margarita Street, LOT TIE AGREEMENT #20 5-20-83