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Larwin Mesa View #1 Card 2

LARWIN MESA VIEW #1 CARD 2.tif LARWIB MESA VIEW #1 'Lot 25- Fermi t to Larwin-San Diego, Inc. to erect and ma int for a period of l yr, one dble- faced, free-standing, illum ID sign advert ''Larwin Trend" in addn to exist sign located at the NW cor of Gemini Ave and Pegasus Way in same sub; total face area of sign to be approx 200 sq. ft. and overall ht 29' where one sign, max 160 sq. ft. total face area and max 12' ii iei~ht 1$ perm on the~ Cor o1 Gemini Ave and JeffreMCt. Zone R-1-5. 1--~--~-~-~~-~~_J;~~jj~_1J;Jj;]t~1~~:ik.&t):~=~--=:-~:~:-----------~=:~=~~------- Lots 13,14,15,21,23- Permit to Larwin San Diego,Inc to for a period of one year model homes on Lots 13,14,15,21 and sales office on Lot 23 where sucn use is perm for a max of two years after subdiv map recordation (recorded 3-23-70) on Janice Ct in cul-de-sac, north side of Gemini Ave E of Black ~tn Rd . Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. ~ t~!l ~~U5 b-,.:J- 7 3)-------------------C-11303-N.H.-----------6-7-72-------- Lots 48,49,50,51,54,55,56,57- Permit to Larwin San Diego, Inc to maint for a period of one year six model nomes on Lots 50,51,54,55,56,57 witn sales office on Lot 48, and trellis wnicn extends from Lot 48 onto Lot 49, where such use is perm for a max two years after recordation f subdiv map on J:.urra Court in cul-de-sac, north of Gemini Ave. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l...fL: ~;t..J.,n.J i::- 7- 7r'(C.-,~- 7'rj c-11304 N.H. 6-7-72 ~,,, 1 ,1 1__ 7_1.c-/ ~ z-7.d----------,~--;,--:--:,--;-t 7: 1 tr~: t;: 1 sT------------------------------------------------