Lake Shore #3 Card 2
LAKE SHORE #3 CARD 2.tif LAKESHORE #3 Lot 111- Permit to Keitn & Janet Groves to erect approx 65' of?' nign at closest point a 61 SB along Green Gables, Where max 3' nign fence is of estab SB line, at 7115 Glen Flora betw Green &ables and Sunny Brae. C-11243 R.H. solid fencing obs allowed in front Zone R-1-5. Cond'l, 5-17-72 Lot 130- permit to Donald L. and Be~erly C. Gurke to constr. 16' x 22 ft. fam. rm. add. to existing single fam. dwelling. add. to obs. 14' rear yrd. where 20' is req. at 6637 Golfcrest Dr. bet. Glenflora Ave. and Wandermere Dr. Zoned R-1-5. ~ 2.-;29:f'O____________________________ c-_131aa__________________ 1-29-75____ Lot 218- Permit to Carl & Jo Anne Rapp to construct a fam rm addn w/bar sink at 6820 Belle Glade Ave., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2381 7/27/78 Lot 200- AGREEMENT to GENE AND BOBBY ROTHSTEIN to add a recreation room aod bath to existing single-family dwelling, at 7005 Wandemere Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2870 11-12-82