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Lake Shore # 11 Card 1

LAKE SHORE # 11 CARD 1.tif_,,:....... '.""~..;........:. ~ LAKE SHORE UNIT NO. ll S V (c ~ ~ Lot $09- Permit to Gol.tcrest Developers, owner and Robert B. & Ka~herine Nu~r,:t,o const sing tam res obs 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is req, at 6449 Sunny Brae Dr. at Sunny Brae Dr. & sunny Brae Pl., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8469 N.H. purchasers, SW cor 12-5-67-------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 522- The Z.A. considered app wall varying in height from 11 to John A. & Lindsay Fitzpatrick, at Zone R-1-5. GRANTED. Condi. to complete const of approx 50 1 of solid block retaining 5 1 where a 3' high wall is perm in estab 12 1 SB- to 6544 Golfcrest Dr. bet Sunnybrae Pl. & Wandermere Dr., 1 Case No. 8698 N. H. 5-20-68 Lot 492- Permit to Jonn & Roberta Kelly to erect approx 85 1 of 6 1 hi grapestake fence obs 7' SB on Elmcrest Dr. where max 3' ni fence is perm in 15' estab SB, at 6308 Sunny Brae Dr., NE cor of Sunny Brae Dr. & Elmcrest Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9848 NH 4-21-70 Lot 525- Permit to Hans Nansen to construct 26' x 22' family room,extension, bedroom and bath addition to exitting sin am dwelling; addition to obs 16' rear yard where 20' is required, at 6488 Golfcrest Drive between Sunny Brae Place and Elmcrest Drive, Zone R-1-5- Cond'l. C-12,679 6-20-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Lot 553- Permit to William & Vivian Finch to constr a l 71 x 12 1-8" sunshade addn to exist sin fem dweU; addn to obs all yards but result in 44.~ lot cov where a max 4o1, is perm at 6403 Golfcrest Dr. betw Sunny Brae Pl and Wandermere Dr. Zone R-l-5. c-12986 2-25-75