Lake Country #2 Card 1
LAKE COUNTRY #2 CARD 1.tif LAKE COUNTRT URIT NO. 2 \la-SI..! CARD #1 t Lota 112- 118- Penait to.American Housing Guild Sales Corp. to canst model homes & sales office; but DENIED 3 1 x 51 signs tor ea model home, but GRANTED 11 x 31 sign for ea model. home; DENIED 41 x 61 sign for sales office, GRANTED 3' x 5' sign, at 8404 Lake Murray Blvd., ' & 6,310- 63.31 Lake Alamor Ave., Interill R-1 Zone, tor l,-r to exp 8-18-60. Case No. 2729 8-7~9--------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 112- 119- Penait to American Housing Guild to maintain model hame on ea ot Lots 112- 118, & sales office on Lot 119 obs 0 1 SB, with one 1 1 x.3' sign back of SB duignating ea model home, & one.3' x 5' sign for sales office on Lake Alamor Ave., Zone R-1, for l,-r to exp 8-29-62 N.H. Case No. 3810 8-29-61---------------------------------------------------------Lot 112- Z.A. considered app of Robert E. & Lois H. Reeder, owners, and A. R. Wylie, lessee, to maintain for a period of one,-r, one 4' x 81, sing-faced, post lllOunted directional sign advert 11Lakeridge Homes"; per leial description on tile, on Lake Murray Blvd. at rear of 6Jl0 Lake Al.amor Dr., Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED the request but APPROVED the sign for a period of 4 mos., &ond11. {no-.~. 1-1-&'f) Case No. 8874.N.H. 8-J0-68--------------------------------------------------------Lot 119- Z.A. considered appl of Dorothy Moses to erect 39' of 61 bi solid wood fence adj to Lake Murray Blvd. obs a O' SB wnere 10' is estab & max 3' fence is perm in estab SB at 6311 Lake Alamor Ave., betw Lake Murray Blvd. & end of cul de sac Zone R-1-5 & bas DENIED the req but APPROVED 5' solid wall or fence to obs 3' SB, cond.l C-9639 R.H. 12-16-69