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Development Services

La Playa Resubd. #1

LA PLAYA RESUBD. #1.tif LA FLA.YA RESUBDIVISION #1 Lot l- Permit to DON J. & IRENE A. VADOHN to erect a retaining wall along the rear prop line ranging in ht to 8 1 encr 20' into estab 20' SB on McCall St; to erect retaining wall ranging in ht to 6 1 along McCall St prop line encr 20' into estab 20' SB; & to erect retaining wall ranging in ht to 6 along San Fernando St encr 20' into estab 20 1 SB where max 3' hi fence is perm; at 460 San Fernando St at its intersection with McCall st, Zone R-1-10, condl. '7-3-t,,8, &,i,;t. ~- 7W' ~.t1."':-J;/4 1;n:, ext to exp 5-17-68 (5-17-67) / Case No. 1648 5-17-66 Lot J- Permit to Lucile Hamilton to const sing tam NS with attached garage; cor ot J&np to encroach 4' into est 20' SB at 485 San Gorgonio St. betw McCall St. & Nichol.a St. {clo), Zone R-1-10. C&ae Ho. 7809 (N.H.) Lot 3- pe"iiiiI'no'LuciIIe"irrn"t:on to erect reta!"""nfiig wall max '"6 r in height withl I open fence on top; retaining wall and fnc to obs 0 1 SB on 3an Gorgonio 3t where JllaX 3' high retaining wall with max j, high open fnc on top is permitted in the estab 20 1 Sb at 485 San Gorgonio St betw Mc~all and Nichols Sts, ~one R-1-10. C-7981 (NH) 12-14-66--------~--------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Don J. & Irene A. Vaughn to constr dwell & garage result in approx 4~ coverage where max 4 <> i coverage is perm; at 46o San Fernando St, NW corner_________ of_its_intersection wLMcCall St,. Zone R-1-10._____ Case No. 8562_(N.H.)_2-19-68__