La Playa Pooles Block 125 Card 1
LA PLAYA POOLES BLOCK 125 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA POOLES BLOCK 125 Portion- Pemiit A~PROVED by A2A to PAULL. WHITE, JR. AND JUDY B. WHITE to construct a second-story addition to existing single-family d~l ing, (1) to observe a 14 1-811 front yard; (2) fireplace to observe a 12 1-3" front yard ere 15' is required; (3) 5 1-411 street side yard where 10 1 is required for second story (sting structure observes 5'-4" street side yard); (4) to replace 38 1 of 5 1-611 wood fence o observe a O' street side yard where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in required 10' street side yard; and (5) to construct a darkroom with bath in the accessory structure, at 3045 Lawrence Street, Zone R-3-A. Conditions. C-17380 9-4-81 (Por. of) Lot 1- ZA DENIED request of HUGH RUTHERFORD to erect 76'8" of 6 1 high wall to observe O" street side yard on Owens Street where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 10' street s~de yard at 553 Rosecrans St., Zoned R-1-5. C-18395 5/15/84