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La Playa Block 167 Card 1

LA PLAYA BLOCK 167 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 167 tll card I Lot 3- Zone R-1 Split 12/10/35 Permit to Alice J Ussher 648 San Elljo St to erect and operate two res each with 75' frontage Res 65004 10/6/36 Lot 2- Permit to Mrs Helen Lind Bloomenshlne 3770 Centre St to divide lot Into two bldg sites each 75'xl50' for sing fam res Res 75487 11/4/41 Ord 32NS Lot 2- Permit to Helen L Bloomlnshlne to dlvl:le Into two parcels each on San Fernando St 150' deep at Rogers St with the req SB manta ne Res 2172 with 75 1 front n San Fernando St /10/47 ~~:~~-~~;;~~:_::_~_:_::~~::_~:_::_:~~~:_:~:_:_:::_~~~-::~::~~~i'-~~~=~~~~---------- Wly 100 1 Lot 1- Permit to Thomas M & Leona Hamilton to split out par & erect sing fam res NE cor San Fernando & Qualtrough Sts Res 6822 9/17/52 N 75 1 Lot 3- Permit to Robert A & Ruth F Lush, owns & Lillian Jeffries purch to erect sing res on SW ly cor Rogers & San Elljo Sts Res 6904 10/15/52 Lot 4- Permit to Ed T & Florence P Austin to split out parcel 90 1 xl25 1 on NE cor San Elljo & Qualtrough Res 7710 9/2/53 Lot 4- Permit to Ed T & Florence P Austin to erect res with 10 1 SB on Qualtrough avg 20 1 Res 7711 9/2/53--------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------