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La Playa Block 166 Card 1

LA PLAYA BLOCK 166 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 166 s Lot l- Permit to MO Medina 438 Rosecrans St erection of sing fam res J3J Back on San Elljo card I. 1 SB Ord 12321 suspended to allow Res 71515 6/4/40 Blk unnumbered betw 165 & 166- Gar to the prop line on Rosecrans St Granted to CI Shumaker Res 63803 12/17/35 Lot 3- Permit to Stanford E & Beatrice B Steinbeck to split into two bldg sites each 75 1 st frontage by 150 1 depth, to permit a sing fam dwell on each corner San Dlonlclo & Rog~rs,: Sts Res 1229 12/6/45 N 75 1 Lot 3- Permit to Albert A Frost Jr to const an addn to a res which has 41 side yd add to obs req side yd but to have 12 1 rear yd 3015 Rogers St Res 2730 12/17/47 Sly Lot 4- Permit to Dorothy S & ~lbert A Frost Jr to split our par NW cor of Qualtrough & San Dtonlclo Sts & erect sing fam res Res 5942 10/17/51---------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------ N 75 1 Lot 3- Permit to Albert A Frost Jr to divide Into 2 parcels & erect sing fam res ~ on each E parcel 87,341 st fr & W parcel 62.22 1 3015 Rogers St Res 6J21 3/19/52 N Lot 4 Permit to Albert A & D Frost to maintain approx 105 1 of solid wall (blk) varying In height from 61 to 8 1 obs 0 1 frotn yd alg San Dlonlco St where a 3 1 high wall Is perm 3020 Qualtrough St betw Rogers & Qualtrough R-1-5 Case 7977 NH 12/12/66