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Development Services

La Playa Block 165

LA PLAYA BLOCK 165.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 165 To const a res and gar to the mean high tide line of SD Bay at cor of Qualtrough & San Antonlo_lts on blk 165 with a 0 1 side yd a rear yd 25 1 and a cov of 50% ~~~~~~~~~~-::~~~=~-~~-===~~=-~=~~:~--~-~--~~-~~?_!!_1(0> ~~./~ktl~~:~~:__________ Blk unnumbered betw 165 & 166- Permit granted to CI Shumaker 3304 Canon St to erect gar to prop line on Rosecrans Res 63803 12/17/35 Pennlt to Jeanne Marvin to const a I0 1 xll 1 addn to an exst res with 0 1 side yd for the addn and with not more than 3% excess coverage 2834 Qualtrough Res 2491 9/10/47