La Playa Block 160 Card 2
LA PLAYA BLOCK 160 CARD 2.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 160 Card 112 Lot 4- CASE TABLED- project requires a Coastal Permit, SFD being constructed- guest quarters will be considered under the coastal permit for that dwelling. located at 614 San Fernando Street. Rl-10.000 zone, C-20269 3-8-89 Lot 4- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to ROBERT & DOROTHY SKOMER to demolish an existing residence and construct a 4.098 sq.ft. residence, 425 sq.ft. guest quarters and three car garage Coastal Development located at 614 San Fernando Street, Parcels 1 & 2, Map 9151, Rl-10000 Zone. CDP #89-0320 9-14-89------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 4- ZA APPROVED yard variance request of ROBERT M, AND DOROTHY G, SKOMER to construct an addition to an existing, nonconforming, two-car garage which observes a 6'-0" front yard where 20'-0" is required, located at 614 San Fernando Street, Parcel 1, Parcel Map 9151 Rl-10000, Coastal zone Proposition "D" Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Conditions, C-20716 2/22/91-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------