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Development Services

La Playa Block 140

LA PLAYA BLOCK 140.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 140 ~v SWly JOO' Lot I- Permit to Herbert & Minerva G Kunzel to const sing fam res on par split out after zoning on NEly cor of San Gorgonlo & McCall Res 5609 6/13/51 Por Lot I & Lot 2- Permit to Lucile E Hamilton to const addn to gar & conv to llv unit with 20 1 rear yd Ely side of San Gorgonlo 100 1 Nly of McCall St Case 220 4/20/55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SWly 100 1 Lot I- Permit to Herbert & Minerva G Kunzel to const [Ing fam res with 5 1 SB on San Gorgonlo St & 15 1 SB on McCall St property located on NE y cor San Gorgonlo & McCall Sts R-1 REs 5654 6/29/51