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La Playa Block 126 Card 1

LA PLAYA BLOCK 126 CARD 1.tif LA Pf.AVA BLOCK 126 CARD I I \Y Por Lot 4- Permit to Walter M & Laurale McKellar to const sing fam res W side of San Elljo St 75 1 N of Kellogg St Res 4093 8/24/49 Ely 100 1 & Sly 75 1 Lot 4- Permit to Ernest Monteiro to const sing fam res with addn 1 1 kitchen, on parcel split out after zoning, on NWLy cor of San ~lijo and Kellogg Sts cond 1 l Res 5321 2/7/51 Ely JOO' of Sly 75' Lot 4- Permit to Ernest Monteiro to const res with SB of approx 24' In line with res adj on the Non NW cor of Kellogg & San Elljo Res 5340 2/23/51 Wly 50 1 of Sly 75 1 of Ely 100 1 of Sly 50 1 Lot 3 & Nly 25' Lot 4- Permit to WA & Belle E Hoss to const patio {obs all yd req) on parcel split prior to 12/5/54, condition: Cert of Survey be filed Case 3039 1/15/60-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Joe S & Adeline C Rogers to const 24 1 x24 1 becrm & bath addn to exist sing fam res & to add playrm & alter kitchen & reshlngle roof at 3125 Lawrence St betw San Elijo & San Fernando R-1 (DENIED req to const detach gar with guest rm & bath above) Cases 4155 & 4148 6/16/61--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 2 & Lot 3- Permit to Lucy Marcile to const detached gar with storage room over & 24 1 x24 1 bedrm & bath addn to exist sing fam res which obs 71 611 rear yd; det gar and bedroom &!:Ith to obs ail yd reqmts (See Case 4148) at 3125 Lawrence St betw San Elljo & San Fernando Sts R-1-5 cond 1 1 Case 6665 8/27/64