La Playa Block 120
LA PLAYA BLOCK 120.tif-~-~-- LA PLAVA BLOCK 120 9 Por Lot 3- Permit DENIED to B. Richard & Renee Hatcher to const 3-story, sin fam dwell on Lot with exist 2-story, 6 unit apartment bldg, exist units non-conforming as to parking, addft to obs 10' front yd, where 15' is req, at 3009 Kellogg St. betw San El ijo & Rosecrans Sts. Zone R-4. Case#9760 3-16-70 A B.,"1 -- Appc4 L D-_ p\';,..,,,E- D--------------------------a--- 7 -a------_-----------_________________________________________________________ i-~-- b-=7...,?:7.Q.____ Lot 2- ZA DENIED request of ERNESTINE CORREIA JUREK- ESTATE OF MANUEL F. & MARRY M. CORREIA, OWNER; PAULL. WHITE & WILLIAM ELDER, PURCHASER for property located at 3043 Kellog St., Zone R-600. C-19554 5/1/87