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La Playa Block 118

LA PLAYA BLOCK 118.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 118 Wly 75 1 Lot 2- P~rmlt to G W Kettenburg Sr owner & Ector & Julia K LeDuc, purch to erect sing fam res & gar on SE cor Kellogg & San Gorgonio Sts Res 6286 3/19/52 Por Lot 4- Permit to Robert K & Elizabeth S Cleator to const addn to rear of exist struct with 16' rear yd 320 San Fernando Res 6557 6/25/52 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wly 75 1 Lot 2- 6 mo ext on Res 6286 ASOVE Res 6885 10/1/52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wly 75 1 Lot 2- 6 mo ext to Res 6286 & 6886 ABOVE & Julia K LeOuc purch to erect sing fam res & gar Sts to G W Kettenburg, Sr own & Ector E cor Kellogg & San Gorgonlo Res 7279 3/18/53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1 & por Lot 4- Permit to ET Starke to const sing fam res, making 2 units on par exist res to be removed when 2nd unit completed 310 San Fernando St R-1 zone cond'I Case 3136 2/19/60 Lot I & por Lot 4- AGREEMENT 1082 to ET & Mildred H Starke to const sing fam res making total of 2 units on parcel with exist sing fam res to be removed when 2nd unit Is completed Case 3136 3/11/60