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La Mesa Colony Lot J Card 1

LA MESA COLONY LOT J CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY CARD# 1 t/_ N 189' of the S 310' of the W 226' of Lot J- erect & oper. second sin fam dwelling in Zone R-1 Permit to Mrs. Esther Miller, 68th St. 250' South of Amherst on east side. Res.#68096 8-23-38 S 71' of the W 205 of 1:ot J & the S 71' Lot A, Sullivan Tr. Permit to Clyde D. & Dorothy J. Compton to const a sin fam res with 71' st. frontage on Olive St. in San Diego County, 500' south of Amherst St. Res.#2012 1-30-47 Por of Permit to Edward V. & Eleanor Ruth Roper to divide parcel 123' by 209.44' into 2 par., facing Amherst St. and permit sin fam res on ea, East of 68th St. Por of Roper. Res.#2816 1-28-48- Ext. of six mo. on Res.#2816 (above) granted to Edward V. & Eleanor Ruth Res.#3305 7-28-48 E 53' of W 156' exc S 310' of Lot J- Permit DENIED to Mrs. Lottie T. Moorman to const duplex in R-1 Zone on S si of Amherst, E of 68th St. Res.#5434 4-4-51 W 103' of N 169.4' Lot J- Permit to Alfred & Wilma Riese to div par of land into 2 par, with Wly 53' & Ely 50' fr. on Amherst St., S side Amherst E of 68th, Res.#6191 2-20-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por of Lot J, Permit to Anna L. McColpin to const sin fam res, split out after orig. zon. but prior to 12-5-54, & without frontage on a ded. St., N of 4841 68th St. R-1 agreement to be signed & recorded. Case#2322 2-20-59---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------