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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 9 Card 1

LA MESA COLONY LOT 9 CARD 1.tif LAm:sA COLONY ~~ Lot 9- For Auto-Court consisting of 10 units and keeper's qts. on El Cajon Blvd. opposite LOT 9 63rd Street. GRANTED to B, Gene, by Harry Warburton, agent, 6293 El Cajon Blvd. Los Colimas Motel Res. 73705 3/25/41------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- por Lot 9- Permit to Charles. D. and Mary A, McFarlail.e to erect 8 addn units in exist. court at 6235 El Cajon provided a 20' strip of land across front of property is dedicated to City.-- Res. 1798 10/10/46--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For of Lot9- Permit to Charles D. and Mary McFarlane to convert a bungalow court at 6235 El Cajon Blvd into a motel and to convert gar into fojr addn units. Res. 2663 & 2664- 11/19/47 Por of Lot 9- Permit to F. W. Gladhart to const and operate 4 unit motel. Blvd. CONDITIONAL Res. No. 2768 6265 El Cajon 1/14/48 Por of Lot 9- Permit to Robert D. Wilcox Jr., owner and San Diego Gas & Elec. Co., pur, tc eredt an electrical sub-station on E side of 62nd st. approa. 300 So. El Cajon, Cond'l Res. 3562 11/17/~ Lot 9 (por)- Permit to B. B. Daniel to add 3 uncbts to exist 10 unit court, pro 15' rearyd por with 3' sideyd, 6293 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 6353 4/2/52 Por Lot 9- Permit to (Res. of Prop Use) to B, B. Daniel to conv exist parking area exist units into 2 ann'l units, making total of 15 units with parking, 6293 El Cajon Bllvd. Res. 7284 3/18/53