La Mesa Colony Lot 8 Card 2
LA MESA COLONY LOT 8 CARD 2.tif. C!t.~ LA MES.A 791 tliS: Tif BLOCK 8 1f Lots 1 & 2 & st closed adj- Permit to Gospel of Life Evang & Miss Assn to maintain 8 1 high chain link fence extend from Mohawk St back to church annex in the SB area 4967 69th St Case 795 10/8/56-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2 & st clsd adj- 6 mos ext to Gospel of Life Evang & Missionary Assn to const 2 sty church add with 15' rear yd attch to exist bldg having 15' rear yd; also add attch patio roof to exist bldg 4967 69th St ABOVE Case 794 4/1/57 Lots 1 & 2- Permit a to Congregation Beth Tefilah, as amended, to construct synagogue, educational & social bldg (1) obs 5' front yd on Mohawk Street where 15' is req; (2) ~roviding 23 off-street parking spaces where 46 are req & (3) por of structure to be 37' hi w'ere max 30' is perm at 4967 69th St. betw Mohawk St & El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-2, condl. C-9997 8-13-70 Lots 1 & 2- AMENDMENT to include construction of canopies obs 8 1 setback on 69th St. per plans on file dated 8-19-71 C-9997 8-20-71