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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 6 Card 1

LA MESA COLONY LOT 6 CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 6 4'J card I Permit to Midway Trading Post & Wrecking Co to enlarge a lumber yard and used material pland C zone 6135 El Cajon Blvd Res 66428 8/31/37 That the Midway Trading Post & Wrecking Co 6935 El Cajon Blvd is hereby notified that unless const of its bldg is commenced withing 30 days from daeof this resolution and completed within 60 days the zone variance heretofore granted for this work shall be revoked (REVOKED) Res 69457 6/6/39 Permit to AG Foster & WC Davis 6135 El Cajon Blvd to units on por of Lot 6, La Mesa Colony with 10' rear yd adj to 6135 El Cajon ~lvd build an auto court of 25 Granted by Res 74008 4/29/41 Permit to J L & EH Kahanek to opera miniature golf course on por of said lot a parcle 50'x100' in size adj to 62nd St 120 1 S of El Cajon Blvd Res J 660 8/1 /46 Por Lot 6- des on file in Plann Dept off- cond'I permit granted to J L & EH Kahanek owns, Sam Russo & Ford Bratcher, purchs to const & operate drive in theater S of ~::j~jlv_}9~dz~-,?~ 62nd_St_____________________________ Res_2340__ 7/2/47________ Por Lot 6- Plat on file bn Plann. Dep Off- cond'.I permit to El Cerrito Lumber O.o owns Sam Russo & Ford Bratcher, purchsto use par in connection with drive in theater (see ABOVE) and to const a ticket off, caretaker's res & concession stand ace to plan on file at rear of 6135 El Cajon Blvd,_ Res 2545 10/8/47-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------