La Mesa Colony Lot 29 Card 3
LA MESA COLONY LOT 29 CARD 3.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 29-...CARD I 3.l 7.... Jo Por- Permit to Raymond Apostle to div por of Lot into 4 parcels with f'ul1 st front & erect sing fam res on ea. lot E side La. Dorna W side Catoctin 185 1 S of Richard 81 easement on La Dorna & 5' easmt on Catoctin to be deeded to City Res 7347 4/29/53-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Penni t to Mearl & Mgt Maynard to split out por & const sing:lam res on WJ.y side of Catoctin Dr betw Montezuma & Richard cond'l Res 8468 9/15/54-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Helen Homesley to divide into 4 parcels & const sing fam res on ea E side La. Dorna W side Catoctin Dr approx 185 1 S of Richard St cond'l Res 8498 9/29/54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 28 & 29- Penni t to Bennie C & Alice Smith to split out 2 parcels & maintain exis sing fam res on Nly par & const sing fam res on Sly pa.r W side Catoctin Dr betw Montezuma Rd & Saranac cond1l Res 8529 10/13/54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to Earl S & Mali,lyn S Grinnell to const 2nd res at 5154 Ca.toctin Dr Agreement 726 recorded to keep in one pa.reel Res 9104 8/17/55-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to Thos E Macklin to const res on par spll t a1'ter zoning but prior to 12/54 on La Dorna betw Richard & Montezuma Rd coni 'l Case 1428 9/29/57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 28 & 29- Permit to Joel W & Vir~inia. iedgwick to const add to res on lot S,Plit after date of orig zoning but prior to 12/5/54 5092 La. Dorna R-l Case 2297 2/13/59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------