La Mesa Colony Lot 28 Card 2
LA MESA COLONY LOT 28 CARD 2.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 28- card 2 Por- des on file in plann off- Permit to Frank Olenicz, own & C N Charnoch purch to divide into 4 lots; th~ee with 58 1 frontage and one with 63 1 frontage on La Dorna St near Catoctin Dr Res 1796 9/26/46 Por- des on file in Plan Dep Off (Amendment to Res 1796 to Frank Olenicz, own & C N Charnoch purch Res 1957 12/19/46 Por- des on file in Plan Dept Off- Permit to James & Faythe Thomas to erect a sing fam res La Dorna Dr Res 2202 4/24/47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Par of land with 120 1 frontage and 227,07 1 and 90,22 1 in depth- cond 1 1 permit to Ruth B Ryder & Guy M Miller, purch to div this parcel inuo 2':)bldg sites Catoc~in Dr S of Montezuma Rd Res 2~83 8/27/47 Par of land with 100 1 frontage on La const a sing fam res on said parcel Dorna Dr-:,Permit to Wi 11 iam H Simms to E side of La Dorna Dr N of Montezuma Rd Res 2744 12/17/47 Por- Permit to MP & Dorothy M Sullivan to split NW cor La Dorna Dr & Montezuma Rd into 4 parcel & build sing fam res on ea Res 3990 6/29/49 Por- Permit to George G &.'Juanita L Si stare owns & Thomas E & Mary Joan Cook purchs to split out & bid a sing fam res on a por of lot btng on the E side of La Dorne Dr approx 370 1 N of Montezuma Rd Res 5112 11/15/50