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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Lot 20

LA MESA COLONY LOT 20.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 20 Ely 90 1 of Wly 455.52 1 (exc Nly 239') alterations & additions to exist res- Permit to Albert B & Lelah A Rothtrock to make a lot without frt on dedicated st Res 584 4/'l] /44------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ely 91 '. of Wly 637.78' (exc Nly 239')- Permit to Nora E Jennings own & Gordon Cunningham, purch.. to const sing fam res which par has no st frtg E of Seminole Dr Res 2836 1/28/48 Por- Cpnd'I permit to Muriel McKitrick Bowlus, own & FL&: Eileen Gegax, to div into bldg site 70' st frtg for sing fam res Seminole Dr S of El Cajon Blvd Res 4012 7/13/49 Por- Cond 1 1 permit to Glenicy & Jean Maclachlan to erect a sing fam res on pa4 split out after zoning E side of Seminole Dr S of Acorn St extended to the E Res 5578 5/31/51 Por- Cpnd 1 1 permit to Carl A & Naomi Gifford to erect sing fam res on parcel split out after zoning 150' S of Acorn St on NE side of Seminole Dr Res 6148 2/27/52 Il00i~0,~ilOOC*-~~xx~~~~~~~"ix~mu-~~ ~iAc-.x~~lffOOOO()OO(~~JaX)(dlC()a)tj(~~~~wx1N,.'f,.'f~~ ~~JOOOOl~JOOO(,XJOOOO(JaOQ(~i ~