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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Block 12 Card 1

LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 12 card I Lots 1 & 2 Sly 40'- Permit to Maurice C Knox to conduct the manufacturing of toys and novelties within an exist bldg at 4933 70th Street maximum of 10 hp 2 employees Res 1728 3/29/46 l Lots 1 & 2 Sly 4o'- Permit to Maurice C & Mlria~ W Knox to erect garage with living quarters above & maintain a 5' rear yd, 4933 70th Street; gar now exist but will be torn down & repullt on same foundation Res 1670 8/1/46 Lot 24- Permit to Samuel & R Christine Rose to const doctor clinic with off st parkg to be provided er to const max of 4 llv units NE cor 70th & Amherst Plans to be appr bf Board of AR- Res 8153 4/28/54 Lot 24- Appeal of Samuel & R Christine Rose from decision of Board of Zoning Adjust Res 8153 ABOVE granting permission to const doctors' clinic, with off st parking to be provided.2!. to col'l!t max of 4 living units on NE cor of 70th & Amherst Sts on cond that all plans be appr by 8 of AR (orig request was for permission to const bldg for use as doctors off, food shop & real est off) DENIED & decision of B Z A sustained CCResll8319 5/27/54 Lot 24- Permit to Samuel & R Christine Rose amending Res 8153, 4/28/54 to use the off aaj the doctor's off as a realrestate off for appll use only with one sign, max of 3 sq' Inside window on NE cor of 70th & Amherst Res 8989 6/22/55,/