La Mesa Colony Block 10 Card 1
LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 10 Lots 21-24 S (Ord 13558)- To allow operation of a restaurant DENIED to Mrs Elva Maynard 7002 Mohawk St Res 72450 lD/15/40 Pennlt DENIED to Mrs ME Reynolds 7090 Mohawk St for 15 unit trailer camp on Lots 15-17 Res 76766 4/28/42 W 45' Lot 14- Permit to W J & after zoning at 7080 Mohawk St Vera M Bond-to const second llv unit on lot divided Res 5844 9/5/51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W 40 1 Lot 22- Pennit to Domlneca Gerache to const sing fam res betw 70th & 71st Sts cond'l N side Mohawk St Res 8713 1/19/55 Nly Lot 23 Lot 24 & 70th St cl adj- Permit to Laura M Oviatt, own; Carlton H Williams purch to demolish exist sing fam res & const & oper dental clinic w/max 2 dentists & 3 emp; & to erect & maintain l'xl' unllght sign listing names (duplex permitted) R-2 Case 3985 4/17/61 APPEAL DENIED C.H. Williams 7/11/61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 11 & 12- to Bonnie (]son to const a 41 x8 1 tool shed for storage of tools and garden equipment AGREEMENT 310 no date given--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------