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La Jolla Vista Card 2

LA JOLLA VISTA CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA VlSTA ~ard 2 ~(Lot 40- Permit to Eugene H & Margaret B Price to coost addn to exist sing fam res 0 1 side yd (4 1 req) to obs 0' side yd on E side at 1851 Spindrift Dr R-1 cnnd'I Case 3391 6/9/60 Lot 41- Permit to Mr & Mrs Richard M Barker to const sing fam res & gar cover 43% of lot (40"/o perm) on S side Spindrift betw Princess St & St Louis Terrace R-1 Case 4538 11/3/61 Lot 41- Permit to Mrs Marcella G Cornish to const 3' to 5' walls in SB area, per plans, where 3' hgih wall in SB area is perm 1855 Spindrift Dr R-l cond'I Case 5798 6/20/63 Lots 33 & 34- AGREEMENT 1255 to W S & Dorothea Rodimon to conv gar to hobby patio with sink & toilet stool only at 7939 Princess St 6/24/63 Lots 53 & 54- AGREEMENTl037 to Henrietta A Ryan to const guest house without kitchen 5/28/59 ot-40-:-p;;;.It-to-Ma;g;;;t-B:-p;1~;:-as-a;;naea:-t~-c~nst;-b;y-;1;a~-;aa;-t~-;;I;t-n~& folli"orming sin fam res; exist res obs from O' to 4' side yd on east p.l., perm by C-3391 & enjoys 41.5, lot cover; bay window addn will obs a 2'8" side yd on the west p.l. & re- sult in approx 42' lot cover where 40, is perm & where a 4' side yd is req at 1851 Spindrift Dr., east of Princess St. & nortn of Viking Way, Zone R-1-5, condl. C-9820 4-21-70